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Unit 1 Test Question 17

Unit 1 Test Question 17

Q Explain the difference between the following two positions: 1. The gods love a pious act because it is pious. 2. A pious act is pious because the gods love it. Which of the two does Socrates adhere to, and why? Do you agree with Socrates' position? Why or why not?

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“The Gods love a pious act because it is pious” and “A pious act is pious because the Gods love it” are the statement that is recorded in Plato’s Euthyphro where the Socrates is applying his technique of teaching as always by asking questions to the people and trying to get their point of view and finally come to the conclusion. In this book too the Socrates is asking the question to Euthyphro the two statements that are mentioned above. The two statements are the contradicting statements and have a different meaning though it may sound similar when we read or hear it for the first time.